
Empowering ākonga to be connected, collaborative, community-minded citizens

Hapori and Check & Connect are founded on the principles of Whanaungatanga, Ako, Manaakitanga and Tangata Whenuatanga and is designed to foster the holistic development of learners to empower them to be connected, collaborative, community-minded citizens at a local, national and global level. Through Hapori, learners are supported to reach personal goals, holistically grow and to realise their potential through:

  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Goal setting
  • Pathways
  • Hauora
  • Citizenship

The Hapori Teacher is the significant adult in the student’s school life who supports, tracks and monitors the student’s academic progress and well-being. It is expected that the Hapori Teacher develops a strong, positive relationship with ākonga and their parents/whānau.